Unlock Win and Beamsign
Making self service a first class citizen.
Team: Beam Benefits
Role: Product Designer
Timeframe: Three Months
Tools: User Research, Wireframes, Prototyping, Usability Testing, User Flows, UI Design, Wireframes, Prototyping, Usability Testing, Iterative Design, Style Guides
Beam, like other employee benefits companies, delivers service to prospects and customers through a combination of digital and people oriented processes (our service machine). Yet our current workflows forces users to navigate through several products and teams. This introduces additional cost for Beam, reduces funnel throughput and worsens the customer experience.
As a specific example, you are able to self-serve automated, census-underwritten rates in the form of a quote, but then must exit the tool and send an asyncemail that requires a human to then enter the same tool and progress the quote to implementation. The functionality exists but has been siloed in a way that intentionally makes the process inefficient and inconvenient.
Digital self-serve platform will transform our service machine by leaning heavily into automation,
stitching together our digital point solutions i.e. quoting, implementation, enrollment, renewal to make self-serve a first class citizen. Design for no or minimal manual operational lift.
I started the design process with several stages of fat marker sketches at a very high level. The focus of these early fat marker sketches was to set expectations for the user: What is Beamsign and why are you using it? To that end, having an explanation of the signing tool “Beamsign” was paramount, so I mocked up a carousel that takes users through what beamsign is and how to use it.

Once we moved onto the lofi screens, we discussed with engineering what would be feasible. For these experiences, I designed 2 iterations: one that sees the welcome screen as a multi step process, and one that sees it as a single modal.

As I designed a multi step carousel, it became evident that all that was necessary was a single modal with all the information, and instead of a modal, it could just be a step in the signing process.

Usability Testing​
Tests for Beamsign and win were largely positive. Something we discovered, however, is that users don't tend to immediately win a quote. They build it, share with their group, possibly make changes, then win. This critical step in the process led me to add the “save and return to broker dashboard” button on the summary screen. This allows the user to save their quote and return to win it when they’re ready.
​The Positive
•The platform is fairly simple and easy to use.
• The quoting process is streamlined and doesn't require a lot of information.
• The ability to view a PDF on the summary screen is helpful.
​What I Can Do Better
• The Finalize and Sign button may be below the fold on smaller screens.
• The process for enrollment is lengthy and can take time for employers to select plans.
• The platform could be more inclusive by offering subtitles and better language support
•The process for leaving and returning to a quote could be improved.
Usability Take Aways​
A major take away from the usability testing is the need to Save Progress​. Users said repeatedly that they don't tend to win a group immediately after putting together a quote, but rather they share it with their group. Therefore It would be nice to have a save quote feature to return to later.
Here is a recording of part of the prototype in action.

I added a "save and return to broker dashboard" button after I learned that the user tends not to win immediately but rather puts together a quote to share with a group first. This was a valuable insight into user behavior that speaks to the power of usability testing, and goes to show that we are not our users no matter how much sense our flows make to us.

Unlocking Win and Beamsign aims to make self-serve brokers first class citizens, and with the insights gained from testing, they will have the first class experience that they deserve.